Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Today, as I sat in a very public and crowded place, I overheard a conversation between two twenty-something guys. One was tucking into a Subway sandwich, taking bites that were worryingly large, and obviously enjoying the experience, while the other sat with his head in his hands, looking as though his heart was broken... and, in fact, it was.

It was loud, and I was concentrating on homework, so I heard snippets of their conversation at best, but the overall theme was that the sad one was relaying the story of a recent (and still very painful) breakup, while the sandwich-eater was supposed to be providing some sort of comfort and/or therapy.
After what was, I assume, a particularly shocking part of the story, the teller paused (presumably for dramatic effect). His friend looked up from his meal, realized he was expected to say something, and said between munches, "I'm so sorry man. Here, eat this." Then he tossed a tiny and rather slimy looking green pepper slice half-heartedly across the table.

They both burst into uproarious laughter, the kind that is only borne forth by sheer hilarity. All was well.

I've thought since then about the difference between men and women. If it had been two girls sitting at that table, things would have been very different. The story would have lasted for hours. Every detail would have been told, and then scrutinized - poked, prodded, analyzed from every angle. There would also have been much more touching... several hugs, hand holdings, and shoulder pats would be expected.

I've been reading in the past few months about what biblical womanhood looks like. It's been a incredibly rewarding time of study of me, and I've grown in my understanding of my role as a Christian woman, and how the God-given traits that make men and women different, compliment and uplift one another.

I'm so saddened to see how those biblical gender roles have slipped away in recent years, and how we as a society are suffering as a result.

Which leads me to introduce a recently discovered website that is so cool that I almost (almost) wish I was a man so I could enjoy it more - The Art of, dedicated to "reviving the lost art of manliness". If you are a man, and wanting to become a better one (I joke), check it out!

Now, this site is not Christian, however I do believe it touches on part of what has been lost with the assimilation of women into male roles, and the assimilation of men into females ones. Men love to provide for, protect, and lead their families. But what happens when women reject those desires in favor of providing for, protecting, and leading themselves?

My favorite article so far is The Ultimate Straight Razor Shaving Guide. Now, that's a skill!

I'm hitting midterms, so free time is nearly non-existant, but I hope to write more about these issues soon!

Just as a note, this blog is now regularly viewed by 50-odd people! Thanks so much for your support and interest (especially the thought-provoking and complimentary emails). I appreciate you all so much :)


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