Free Stuff Fridays (Zondervan Reflective)
8 hours ago
Notes from a northern island.
I've decided that I will make a real effort to make all Sundays 'Poem Sunday'. For me, poetry and art allow a way of expressing what I am otherwise unable to. And when even that won't do, I can usually turn to the art and poetry of those more experienced and famous than me. So, as I read through poetry in my spare time, I'll make note of the ones I most identify with/move me the most, and share them here. Usually they relate to what's going on in my life at the current time... much like the Bible passages that move me most at a particular time are the ones that most relate to my current situation. Other times, I just think they're pretty. Does that make sense? Hope you enjoy it, it's a taste of what's inside me in a way... I guess. SDevotion - Robert Frost
Posted by Brittany at 11:30 AM
Labels: Poem Sunday
"A mind lively and at ease, can do with seeing nothing, and can see nothing that does not answer." - Jane AustenMay 16th, 2:44 pm - Bidding the time until church this evening and dinner with my love!
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