In only two and a half weeks, I'm turning 20 years old. That seems so unbelievable. My teen years have been some of the best of my life, and I have some amazing memories from the past twenty years of my life. As I pass into my third decade of life, here are 20 things I have done so far that come to mind:
Sang in a gospel choir. Built a house for a family of five. Ate a monkey. Graduated from high school. Became 1/4 of a nurse. Lived in Peru. Been so high in the Andes that there was no oxygen. Danced in front of thousands of people (and won gold more than once). Ate pasta in Rome and pain au chocolat in Paris. Fallen in love. Floated down the Amazon in a river boat. Had the Promised Land take my breathe away. Celebrated Easter in Mexico. Performed in a play. Explored the wild west coast islands. Became a sister. Learned to ride a horse. Raised thousands of dollars for Darfur. Been a camp counsellor for some beautiful young ladies. Received Christ as my Savior.
That's just one tiny glimpse of the things I have done. There's so much more! And such an incredible amount more to come. I am so excited. It's cliche... but life is a gift.